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Below is a list of a few of the CPD Activities that we have to offer our subscribers.

1. Anabolic Steroids

2. Anaemia

3. Analgesics

4. Analgesics - Non-opioid and opioid (narcotic)

5. Anti-Doping

6. Asthma: Pharmacist Initiated Care

7. Biochemistry & Tissues Salts (3 of 3)

8. Breast Cancer

9. Cardiovascular system pathology - Congestive Cardiac Failure

10. Cardiovascular system pathology - Hypertension

11. Cardiovascular system physiology - Back to Basics

12. Case study: Hypertension in a rural community

13. Chemotherapy Safety at Home

14. Childhood Cancer

15. Communication - Telephone and email etiquette

16. Congestive Cardiac Failure - Treatment

17. Contrave - Weight loss treatment

18. Control & Storage of Stock

19. Controlling extemporaneous compounding of creams and ointments in the pharmacy

20. Counselling and Patient Compliance

21. Developing pharmacy personnel into a dynamic working team

22. Distribution of pharmaceutical materials and products

23. Ensuring the safe use of medication

24. Essential Oils

25. Fibromyalgia

26. Functioning of an Effective Team - a critical review

27. HIV & AIDS Treatment

28. HIV & AIDS Understanding the disease

29. Homeopathy - History and laws (1 of 3)

30. Homotoxicology - History and principles (2 of 3)

31. Human Microbiome

32. Human Resource Management - The basics

33. Information on nasal and ear products to ensure optimal use

34. Insulin - Fast Focus

35. Introduction to Medicinal Cannabis

36. Legal requirements - Promotional material and advertisement of medicine

37. Maintenance of quality awareness throughout the process of manufacturing, compounding or re-packaging

38. Manage all aspects and functions in the pharmacy

39. Manage stress and burnout in the pharmacy

40. Mediterranean-style Diet protection against CVD

41. Menopause and Menopausal Hormone Therapy

42. Multiple Sclerosis

43. Prescriptions - Read and Evaluate

44. Procurement and receiving of pharmaceutical products according to legislative requirements, procurement policies and patient needs

45. Provide information regarding the different types of infant formula milks

46. Rational Medicine Use

47. Ribociclib in Metastatic Breast Cancer

48. Screening programmes: Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Glucose monitoring

49. Statin Review

50. Stroke

51. TB Overview in South Africa

52. Training of pharmacist interns and pharmacist’s assistants: Compounding pharmaceutical products

53. Types of Dementia

54. Urine Drug Testing and False Postive Results

55. Use of Aspirin in Arterial and Venous Thrombosis

56. Vaccine Management in Practice

57. Vaccine Safety - Busting the Myths

58. Vaccine-preventable diseases

59. Womens Health: Mammogram Safety